DJ Floops - Damini

Damini depicts the story of a singer who go to a house in Sangre Grande, Trinidad and Tobago to celebrate the birth of a child often referred to as a barahee.
There he meet a beautiful girl named “Damini” who falls in love with the singer and wishes to show her love for him by cooking him a meal. But Damini is far from domesticated so she offers him Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC).
Dj Floops is an old fashioned Hindu Man and tests Damini’s love by demanding she make roti on a fireside.
Poor Damini does not even know how to light a chula (fireside) but Dj Floops shows her blow…… the fire!
Verse 1
I went in a Barahee,
Down in Sangre Grande,
I met a sundar ladki,
Her name was Damini,
She greet me with a smile,
and say stay for awhile,
She will get food to eat,
KFC on speed dial,
I said no Damini,
I am very hungry,
Go in the kitchen,
and make some roti,
She fuss and she fight,
Trying with all she might,
Nothing she could do,
to make the chulha light,
I say no Damini,
Roll up your lungi (long dress)
Grab hold the pukani (a stick to blow the fire)
and blow it forcefully!
Verse 2
Now is weekly
I going by Damini,
She carry me by Aji,
To make plans to marry,
Aji say sonny, what you want with beti,
I say that Love see and she is my wife to be.
Verse 3
Aji Say Son you must understand,
First time Damini dey with man,
She might not treat you right, as a husband!
I say no tanty,
Don’t play no lookhani,
Is long time she checking me for the pukani!
Blow the fire, blow the fire,
show you could do the wok,
Blow the fire, blow the fire,
don't you ever stop,
Blow the fire, blow the fire,
Don’t worry about the heat,
Blow the fire, blow the fire,
Till you feel sweet
Blow the fire, blow the fire,
Prove wrong your tanty,
Blow the fire, blow the fire,
Blow the pookanee!
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